
Super Easy Tips for Setting In-Camera Custom Kelvin Settings for Professional Photography

For years, I photographed with automatic white balance, even though I shot manually with every other camera setting on my Canon. If you are a professional photographer, I wanted to introduce you to in-camera custom Kelvin white balance settings. It makes a world of difference and saves having to edit white balance later during your editing process in Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom.

What is Kelvin white balance?

There are a ton of charts out there that give examples and suggestions for types of lighting and settings. In quick, easy to understand terminology, though, Kelvin white balance is the “temperature” you adjust your photo to, with the lower number settings being on the blue or “cool” side and the higher number settings being on the yellow or “warm” side.

With photos, it’s a balance of light and colors. Because I photograph fully manual, I want to help you understand the “why” behind each camera choice and why you would select that. It’s helpful to know what to change your settings to, but it’s even better to know WHY.

As a general rule of thumb:

Highlights and Shadows:

-Shadows will fall more towards the blues.

-Highlights will fall more towards the yellows.

Is My Photo More Blue/Cool based or Yellow/Warm based?

-If a photo setting has a lot of light that’s blue- or cool- based, you’ll want to change your Kelvin white balance settings to introduce some more yellow to balance out the blues in the shadows.

-If a photo setting has a lot of light that’s yellow- or warm- based, you’ll want to change your Kelvin white balance settings to introduce some more blue to balance out the yellows in the highlights.

What Kelvin White Balance Setting Should I Select?

-To make your photo cooler or more blue-based, turn your Kelvin dial down to the left where the smaller numbers live.

-To make your photo warmer or more yellow-based, turn your Kelvin dial to the right where the larger numbers live.

-BLUE/COOL = Use lower number settings

-YELLOW/WARM = Use higher number settings

Understanding Kelvin White Balance Charts

A lot of the Kelvin white balance charts online can be confusing because they visually show warmer colors on the left end of the spectrum and bluer colors to the right. That is because they are showing you the original light source, not what dialing to that number will do.

Try It Out For Yourself

Try it for yourself! Evaluate your lighting overhead and ask yourself if the lighting is cooler or warmer in color. Take a photo like I did above and roll your Kelvin dial all the way to the left. Now take another photo and roll it all the way to the right and see how the white balance affects your photo. Adjust until it’s where you’d like your photo to be–cooler tones to the left and warmer tones to the right.

I hope that this photo tip helps! :)! Again, I think it’s better to understand the “why” behind doing something, rather than just do it without thinking or processing through and really understanding things. Let me know if this helped by dropping a comment below!


Color Codes

I am always delighted when my dear friend, Tabitha Dumas of TabithaDumas.com requests a photo session from me. She has such an eye for putting together cute outfits and specializing in helping people look their best!

Her website is full of information about choosing the right colors in fashion, but also additional fashion articles, like how to wear animal print for your Color Code. She also offers services like image consulting, events and workshops, vision boards, speaking and teaching, stepping into your purpose and also a purposeful faith + life + style email list.

Utilizing Color Codes and the draping of different colored fabrics, Tabitha helps her clients analyze which colors would look best on them. I myself had her find which colors were best for me to wear and I ended up falling into the tail end of two categories, where I could go either way.

My hair and eyes are dark but have gold undertones and my skin is more olive tone but fair. Thankfully, it means I can wear gold OR silver jewelry. (Yay!)

We recently did a photo sessions and she wore hot pink, one of my favorite colors! I love pastels, but discovered that I love wearing bold colors and I think that’s because the bold colors match my personality best. I loved that she chose this color AND that she paired it with a contrasting light turquoise. I would have never thought to put these two colors together, but it looked amazing!

Have you ever had your “colors” done? If so, what Color Code were you? I was very surprised to see that I looked really good in a dark teal. I thought coming into my appointment with Tabitha, that that dark teal would look hideous on me, but wow! I actually LOVE the way it looks so much! I’m so glad that I had a color consultation done because I never would have tried it otherwise. It was really eye-opening.

Reach out to her today via phone or text to book your appointment: 602.349.1129. You owe it to yourself to look your best and Tabitha will help you get there!

Contact me for your next photo session:

Alicia – 480-399-3030 | alicia@bebaphotography



The Photographer’s Day Planner Has Re-launched!

The Photographer’s Day Planner has made a comeback!

Have you been struggling to coordinate your business schedule with your personal schedule?

Say goodbye to sticky notes and juggling multiple calendars–your days of feeling frazzled are over!

This planner will help you organize multiple schedules in one place, providing you with the organization for the work-life balance that you have been craving.

This year’s Photographer’s Day Planner is in digital format and there are 26 different covers to choose from:

Schedule, plan and and balance your photo schedule alongside your personal life schedule! This 12-month day planner is key to getting organized and helping you achieve work-life balance. It features monthly calendar views, in addition to daily task pages. This calendar is designed for professional photographers and is dated January 2023-December 2023.

A Peek at the Inside:

Shop Now!

Get your own copy at: www.PhotographersDayPlanner.com